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8 June 2011

Biggest Love freebie

Hello, hello:)
I just want to show you some beautiful pages made by my CT with my kit
"Biggest Love".


Have a great day!

3 June 2011

Do you remember?

Do you remember my old kits?
My Princess, Only you, Purple Love...?
Some of them now you find in great price - 2 $!
Go and check my store!

Have a great weekend!

1 June 2011

I`m guest at 7th Heaven!

Hello, hello:)

This month I`m a guest at 7th Heaven! Now you can find there my 7 old kits...

Night by the Ocean - in amazing price - only 2 $!

Only now my kits on 20 % sale:)

Have a great day!

Since September 17th, 2009:

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