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30 December 2010

Purple Love...

Hello, hello:)

I know everyone are preparing for the Big night, but if you are here, so I know you want to see my new kit! Lol! As I promised I have for you a brand new kit!

It contains 70 elements and 10 papers!

And the winners of "Purple love" are:


Please, e-mail me at, I will give you your coupons!

Quickpage album "Purple Love"

And look at pages made by my wonderful CT:


And today I have for you an old kit. This set was available at "Scrappons Digi Magazine"

And don`t forget that we have sale in SPD!

Hugs for all!

29 December 2010

New purple kit is coming... Win before release!

Hello, hello!

In the last day of this year I will have for you a new kit! In my favourite colours!
Please, come back here Friday to see more!

If you want to win it, just leave a comment!
Friday I will pick up 3 lucky winners!

page by Magnolia

21 December 2010

Christmas SALE!!!

Hello, hello!!!

I have great news for you!

I have huge Christmas sale!!!

Kits for 1 $

All my quickpage albums for 1 $

Kits for 2,3,4 $

All my CU - 50 %!!!

December 21-30!!!

16 December 2010

NEW - two new kits - Magic collab and Snowy Day!

Hello, hello!

One week left to Christmas!! yeyeye I can`t wait! I`ve already bought a Christmas tree, all presents for my family, even wrapped them in beautiful papers, I went to the car wash. Now I`m sure again what colour is my car! Lol! So I`m quite sure I`m ready to celebreate!
But now I have for you 2 surprises! 2 new kits!
First - it`s a collab with Ivonka from Starlight Designs!
"Breath of magic"
Kit contains 18 papers and 104 elements!
Just look how magical it is!

And now... My second kit...
"Snowy Day"

I really this kit! I hope you too! It contains 9 papers and over 60 elements.

And I have for 3 new packs of CU Papers:)
For CU, PU, S4H.


Now... coupons...

Please, use it one for a person! Girls, who won a kit before, please, give a chance to other girls!

2 coupons for my collab with Starlight Designs - blogMagic
2 coupons for my "Snowy Day" - SnowBlog

Hugs for all!!!

Good luck in your Christmas preparations!

Since September 17th, 2009:

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